Lisa Genshin Impact Build Guide

In this Lisa Genshin Impact build guide, I will walk you through the different skill choices that you can make as a Lisa. The primary combo is Hold E, which you should never cancel. You can then use your Dash immediately after connecting Hold E, which will allow you to dodge attacks. You can also switch N2 for CA. This build will place you in a prime swapping position and be more viable as a Swap Unit.

While Lisa is not a powerful Electro elemental character, she is still one of the easiest characters to play in the game. She can partner with other characters in the game, such as Raiden and Fischi, and she has a great deal of flexibility. In addition, she has the ability to use high damage reactions and burst combos. лиза геншин импакт билд гайд

While Lisa is considered a B Tier four-star character in Genshin Impact, she is actually better suited as a support DPS. The good news is that she has great reactions and is best built early in the game. As such, Lisa works well with other elements, including ascension materials and artifacts.

In terms of gear, Lisa is one of the most versatile characters in the game. Her artifacts and weapons are all incredible, and she can even be a top team comp. She also has an excellent ranged attack that can be used to punish enemies. And her ability to charge up her attack is another strong point. This skill is a great tool for team composition. It allows you to deal massive damage while staying out of your opponents’ horde for a long time.

Lisa’s first three attacks are string-based attacks, and her fourth attack, the Lightning Rose, deals powerful electro damage. It can hit enemies up to 29 times, and has a high chance of triggering a second attack. It also has a 20% chance to refund potions and is a great way to conserve potion crafting mats. And if you do get hit by a single Lightning bolt, Lisa has a chance to apply Violet Arc status.

When building the team, remember to take into account the flex slots. While some people prefer to stick with one or two flex slots, others prefer to mix and match. If you want to have a tight team with a low tank, you can try a Sayu or Bennett team. They both have excellent utility and can slot into 20s rotations.

While it’s not essential to use all three artifacts, it’s still recommended that you make use of the C1 set. This will increase Lisa’s Electro damage by 15% and will boost her reactions with teammates. Another benefit of this set is that it will also increase the DMG of her elemental skills by a percentage of your base attack, which means that you’ll be dealing more damage when you use them.

Published by tarajones12

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